yeah.. yeah.. I admit it. Maybe I miss him.. yeah right, I do miss him. a LOT actually. even that I did went out with him yesterday. I just can't stop missing him. blah..blah..blah, I know what u're guys thinking. but spare me your comments. I just don't need it.
I'm an insomniac, I think. I just can't sleep at night. and I can only sleep during the day. maybe I need drugs. yeah.. I need drugs to help me sleep well. Anybody? anybody knows any good sleeping pills? That surely can put me to sleep. by the way, it's my fingers are writing right now. not my brain. It's malfunctioning right now. and I bet it is, ecause I couldn't sleep right now. even after i had a glass of warm milk. it doesn't work at all. damn, it does get me want to go the toilet now.
okay, I better stop right now, or else my blog will me a diary of mine. I better sleep. ah, different days, same old SHIT.